Dear users,

Here is an important information about playback files from DVDs via Media Center GOLD app:

Our App has possibility of playing files from DVDs. But there are some limitations on playing license DVDs for Windows Store Applications. In order to make yourself sure that your disc doesn't have limitations for playback, you need to do steps described below. 

1. Open your file manager, navigate to your DVD drive directory where you video is located.

2. Copy any big .vob file ~1 Gb size from your DVD disk.

3. Paste copied file in your local folder or desktop.

4. If you are able to do this without getting error, that means your DVD disk should be played via our App without any issues.

If you got an error when was trying to copy a file, that means there is no way to play this disc via our app.

Don't hesitate to contact our support team, when you need help or just want to talk about apps.

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